This page is fed data from an Accuweather WS-2902 augmented by two additional WH31P temperature sensors. The data is pushed by the base station via HTTP to a PHP script running on my local server which then parses the data and stores it in a database managed by RRDtool. The graphics are generated by the rrdgraph portion of the aforementioned software.
temp | 6.4 | humidity | 70 | dewpt | -1.3 |
windchill | 6.4 | winddir | 154 | windspeed | 1.79 |
windgust | 2.24 | rain | 0.000 | rainday | 0.000 |
rainweek | 0.000 | rainmonth | 0.181 | rainyear | 0.181 |
raintotal | 44.591 | solarrad | 35.62 | uv | 0 |
intemp | 62.8 | inhumidity | 22 | absbarom | 29.663 |
barom | 30.174 | tempaq | 70.3 | temp3 | 29.3 |